Address: 190 Crawford Dr, Brentwood, CA 94513, United States
R. Paul Krey Elementary School, serving 874 students from Kindergarten through 5th grade, is renowned for its academic excellence. In the 2016-17 academic year, 51% of students excelled in math, surpassing the California state average of 38%. Reading and Language Arts skills also shone, with 61% of students performing above the state average of 48%.
Top 30% in California Schools
For the 2016-17 school year, R. Paul Krey Elementary School ranked in the top 30% of all 9,584 schools in California based on combined math and reading test scores. This impressive standing highlights the school’s commitment to high educational standards.
Student-Teacher Ratio Insights
The student-teacher ratio at R. Paul Krey is 26:1, slightly higher than the California average of 23:1. This ratio has remained consistent over the past five years, ensuring stable class sizes and attention for students.
Diverse and Inclusive Community
With a diversity rating of 0.70, R. Paul Krey Elementary exceeds the state average of 0.64. The school’s minority enrollment stands at 54%, including a significant Hispanic and Asian population, reflecting its commitment to a diverse and inclusive environment.
Safe and Supportive Environment
R. Paul Krey Elementary School offers a secure, welcoming atmosphere for students and families. The school emphasizes attendance, engagement in fun activities, and themed days, creating a nurturing environment for learning and growth.
Commitment to Excellence
Part of the Brentwood Union School District, R. Paul Krey Elementary upholds a culture of integrity and accountability. The district operates seven primary schools and three middle schools, prioritizing high-quality education and preparing students for future success in a technology-driven world.
This amazing school is located near the following educational institutions in Brentwood, California:
- Brentwood Elementary School
- Garin Elementary School
- Krey Elementary School
- Loma Vista Elementary School
- Marsh Creek Elementary School
- Mary Casey Black Elementary School
- Pioneer Elementary School
- Ron Nunn Elementary School
- Adams Middle School
- Bristow Middle School
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