Contact Us

Please select your category to be directed to the correct contact form for you. Not sure which page to use? Simply select the New Solar form and we will go from there.

New Solar for My Home

If you're new to solar fill out the form below and our team will provide you with all the information you need to begin your journey toward clean, cost-effective energy.

Expand My Current Solar Panel System

NEM 2.0 customers please fill out the form below and our expert team will get back to you promptly.

Commercial, Non Profit, Agricultural Solar

Our team specializes in helping commercial customers achieve significant savings and sustainability through customized solar solutions. Fill out the form below, and we'll work with you to design a solar plan that meets your business’s unique energy needs and financial goals.

Solar Repairs

If you're need of repairs to your current solar panel system fill out the form below and our team will provide you with all the information you need to restart your journey toward clean, cost-effective energy.
With that information we should be able to diagnose the issue and work with the manufacturer to replace or repair the solar equipment.

Once the equipment is replaced or repaired, we do charge $250 to transfer the system to our monitoring portal and then $150 per year to pro-actively monitor the system for any issues going forward.


All vendors please fill out this form so we are able to give you the attention you deserve.

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