News, Articles & Tips

PG & E Rate Plan for Solar
Best PG & E Rate Plan for Solar

Do you want to save money on your electric bill? Do you want to help the environment by using solar energy? If so, PG&E has

Solar Installers in Antioch California
Top 5 Best Solar Installers in Antioch, California

We know finding the top 5 best solar installers in Antioch, California can be difficult, so we put together this detailed list of the best

Biggest Trends in Solar Power
Top 5 Biggest Trends in Solar Power in 2021

Spotting the Top 5 Biggest Trends in Solar Power in 2021 can be difficult, but knowing what’s coming can help you be prepared well in

Picture of Jamie Duran
Jamie Duran

President and Founder of Solar Harmonics and the voice behind the Straight Talk Solarcast podcast. Armed with a BS, MBA, and an insatiable curiosity, Jamie dives deep into the solar world and beyond—dabbling in cryptocurrency, health & fitness, and all things tech. He’s called Brentwood (not that Brentwood) home for 20 years, and he’s all about giving back through the American Red Cross and the local Chamber of Commerce.

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